Nanomechanics laboratory conducts research at the intersection of mechanical engineering, nanotechnology and materials science. Research activities include a combination of experimentation and modeling to gain insight into materials behavior at the micro and nanoscale. Both graduate and undergraduate students are welcome in our lab. Please send an e-mail to to learn about the ongoing projects.


2023-01-15 Publication in Express Polymer Letters

Abdullah Alduais' work on the mechanical behavior of 3D printed polymer foams has been published in Express Polymer Letters. Congratulations Abdullah!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2022-12-30 Sezer Özerinç receives METU Development Foundation Young Researcher Achievement Award!

Nanomechanics Lab principal investigator received METU Development Foundation Young Researcher Achievement Award as a result of the evaluations made based on the academic performance data for the activity year 2021. METU Development Foundation Young Researcher Achievement Awards are determined based on the age, performance score, and the number of publications in the Q1 category of faculty members working at METU.

2022-11-25 Şükrü Güray Kalaycıoğlu defended his M.S. thesis.

Güray defended his M.S. thesis titled "Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Lattice Structures Produced by Additive Manufacturing". Congratulations, Güray!

2022-01-10 Roozbeh Neshani defended his M.S. thesis.

Roozbeh Neshani defended his M.S. thesis titled "Impact Absorbing Lattice Structures Produced by Additive Manufacturing". Congratulations, Roozbeh!

2021-09-06 Mehmet Kepenekci defended his M.S. thesis.

Mehmet Kepenekci defended his M.S. thesis titled "Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Polymer Composite Structures and Interfaces". Congratulations, Mehmet!

2021-09-02 Burçin Kaygusuz defended her Ph.D. thesis.

Burçin Kaygusuz defended her Ph.D. thesis titled "Development of High Fracture Toughness Hard Coatings". Congratulations, Burçin!

2021-09-01 Sencer Aydın defended his M.S. thesis.

Sencer Aydın defended his M.S. thesis titled "Effect of Annealing on the Mechanical Properties of PLA Parts Produced by Fused Filament Fabrication". Congratulations, Sencer!

2021-08-19 Ali Behboud defended his M.S. thesis.

Ali Behboud defended his M.S. thesis titled "Development of Nanostructured Metallic Glasses with High Toughness". Congratulations, Ali!

2021-06-24 Abdullah Alduais defended his M.S. thesis.

Abdullah Alduais defended his M.S. thesis titled "Characterization of Novel Materials for Fused Filament Fabrication". Congratulations, Abdullah!

2021-08-09 Publication in JOM

Sezer Özerinç and Burçin Kaygusuz's work on the nanomechanical behavior of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V parts has been published in JOM. Congratulations Burçin!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2021-06-12 Publication in Intermetallics

Mohammad Abboud's work on the microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of sputtered CuNb thin films has been published in Intermetallics. Congratulations Mohammad!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2021-04-21 Book chapter on 3D-printed elastomers

Our book chapter on the 3D-printed elastomers is just published as part of Springer's new book titled Fused Deposition Modeling Based 3D Printing, edited by Harshit K. Dave and J. Paulo Davim. Congratulations to Alperen Bakır and Roozbeh Neshani for their hard work on this comprehensive study.

You can reach the homepage of the book by clicking the following:

2020-11-08 Publication in Rapid Prototyping Journal

Alperen and Resul's review article on the mechanical properties of parts produced by fused deposition modeling has been published in Rapid Prototyping Journal. Alperen and Resul wrote this paper while they were undergraduate students. Congratulations to both!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2021-02-08 Alperen is on his way to UK for Ph.D.

Our visiting researcher Alperen Bakır got admitted to University of Leicester for Ph.D. Congratulations and good luck Alperen!

2020-11-08 Publication in Composite Structures

Evren Sonat's work on the failure behavior of scarf-bonded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer has been published in Composite Structures. Congratulations Evren!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2020-09-24 Mohammad Abboud received Graduate Thesis Award!

Mohammad Abboud received the Graduate Thesis Award by the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The award is given to theses that lead to significant advances in science and technology and those that result in high quality publications. Congratulations Mohammad!

2020-08-20 Publication in Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Ali Alperen Bakır and Resul Atik's work on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed recycled PET has been published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Congratulations Alperen and Resul!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2020-04-15 TÜBİTAK 1001 Proposal Accepted for Funding.

Nanomechanics group will develop ultra-high strength nanolayered metals in bulk form in a new TÜBİTAK 1001 Project - Development of High Strength Nanolayered Composites by Accumulative Roll Bonding.

2019-11-28 Barış Nigar defended his M.S. thesis.

Barış Nigar defended his M.S. thesis titled "Analysis of Crack Initiation and Propagation in Solid Rocket Motor Nozzle Throats". Congratulations, Barış!

2019-03-12 Publication in Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Burçin Kaygusuz's work on improving the ductility of 3D printed thermoplastics has been published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Congratulations Burçin!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2019-10-01 Sevda and Abdullah joined our group.

Sevda Fathipour and Abdullah Alduais joined our research group. Sevda will work on high strength metallic nanolayers and Abdullah will work on 3D printing of environmentally friendly nanocomposites. We wish them good luck in their MS studies.

2019-05-24 Nanomechanics group presented in ICMCTF 2019

Dr. Sezer Özerinç attended the 46th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films took place in San Diego, USA. Dr. Özerinç made one oral and one poster presentation, about the recent work of Mohammad Abboud.

2019-03-14 Nanomechanics group presented in TMS 2019

Dr. Sezer Özerinç presented the recent work of Mohammad Abboud titled "A Combinatorial Investigation of Cu-Nb Metallic Glass Thin Films" in TMS 2019 took place in San Antonio, USA.

2019-03-12 Publication in Journal of Materials Research

Mohammad Abboud's work on size-indepedent strength observed in nanolayers has been published in Journal of Materials Research. Congratulations Mohammad!

You can read the paper by clicking the following:

2019-02-08 Lighter than water, stronger than titanium!

Our recent research in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania and University of Illinois demonstrated a nanoporous nickel alloy that has lower density than water and higher strength than pure titanium. Our findings  were featured in both national and international media including the homepage of U.S. Department of Energy, Middle East Technical University, and Turkish newspaper Milliyet.

2018-12-21 Roozbeh and Ali joined our group.

Roozbeh Neshani and Ali Behboud joined our research group. Roozbeh will work on high entropy thin films and Ali will work on nanolayered metallic glasses. We wish them good luck in the MS studies.

2018-12-21 Mohammad defended his M.S. thesis.

Mohammad Abboud defended his M.S. thesis titled "Micromechanical Characterization of Metallic Glass – Crystalline Nanocomposite Coatings". Congratulations, Mohammad!

2018-12-07 Nanoscratch study published in JOM.

Our work on the scratch resistance of metallic glass nanocomposites is published in JOM. In this study, we report the wear behavior of a nanolayered metallic glass/crystalline composite for the first time in literature.

2018-11-09 Nanomechanics Group presented in ICAMMEN 2018.

Nanomechanics Lab members presented their recent research findings in the 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering took place in Ankara. Burçin Kaygusuz and Sencer Aydın made an oral presentations titled "Mechanical Properties of PLA/PHA Blends for Fused Deposition Modeling Applications" and "Effects of Annealing on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed PLA Components", respectively.

2018-10-27 Nanomechanics Group presented in IMMC 2018.

Nanomechanics Lab members presented their recent research findings in the 19th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress took place in İstanbul. Burçin Kaygusuz made an oral presentation about "Mechanical and Microstructural Evolution of Graphite in Extreme Temperature Conditions", work done in collaboration with Barış Nigar. Mohammad Abboud presented a poster titled "Mechanical Properties of Layered Metallic Glass – Crystalline Metal Nanocomposites". Sezer Özerinç presented a talk and a poster giving an overview of the recent micromechanical testing approaches).

2018-10-05 Nanomechanics Laboratory officially opened!

METU Nanomechanics Laboratory opening ceremony took place on October 5th, 2018, upon the completion of renovations and equipment installations. More than 50 faculty members visited our laboratory during the ceremony and research highlights were presented to them by our members.

2018-09-17 Nanomechanics Laboratory welcomes two new members!

Mehmet Kepenekçi (B.S. from METU Mechanical Engineering) joined our group. We wish him good luck in the M.S. studies!

2018-08-16 Alican defended his M.S. Thesis.

Alican Tuncay Alpkaya defended his M.S. thesis titled "Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Nanolayered Metals". He is the first student to graduate from our group. Congratulations, Alican!

2018-07-30 TÜBİTAK 1001 Proposal Accepted for Funding.
Nanomechanics group will investigate the fracture toughness of hard coatings and develop new generation nanostructured tough coatings in a new TÜBİTAK 1001 Project - Development of High Fracture Toughness Hard Coatings.

2018-06-06 Mohammad received METU Graduate Academic Performance Award
A certificate was awarded by METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences to our M.S. student Mohammad Abboud as the most successful student in the M.S. Program of Micro and Nanotechnology for the 2016-2017 academic year. 

2018-03-15 Nanomechanics group presented in TMS 2018.
Dr. Sezer Özerinç presented the recent findings of Nanomechanics group on the CuZr/Zr metallic glass nanocomposites in TMS 2018 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Phoenix, USA. The work has been done by M.S. student Mohammad Abooud and our collaborator Amir Motallebzadeh from Koç University.

2017-12-01 Nanomechanics group presented in 2017 MRS Fall Meeting.
Dr. Sezer Özerinç presented the recent progress on the mechanical characterization of CuNb/Nb nanolayers in MRS 2017 Fall Meeting & Exhibition in Boston, USA. The work has been done through a collaboration with Dr. Verma and Prof. Averback from University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign.

 2016-11-23 TÜBİTAK 3501 Proposal Accepted for Funding.

Nanomechanics group will investigate the mechanical properties of nanolayered metals and alloys through a TÜBİTAK 3501 Project - Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Nanolayered Metals with Microcompression Testing.